
WriTing LiGht

Hey. My name's Mona.
I usually write on mydeardiary.. but I thought it was about time that you got a taste of me. I must've been introduced before... but with me, the story gets straight.
Who does that guy think he is. Acting all crazy, roaring up a storm on his way out of here. To look at it from another angle, I see him trying to test me. Pull away at the crooked strings to straighten them out some, maybe get a better look. Sometime's he's got me completely, other times I've got all of me to me and his heart goes crazy.
He's gets all jealous like and starts roaring. This is when I decide to stray off the path to play with the bubbles in the distance. Its too much for me. Where as of right now I would just like some alone thinking time and no questions please.
It can be coffee or tea, cheesecake and cookies. Tell one on one stories. But I'm not in the mood for being pressed for any kind of decisions.
Can I just lock me up in a padded box and throw away the key. Those who have the secret word will be allowed in. But note, the word will change every day.
Today, it'll be harry.. or hairy... only because it feels like my brain needs a shave.
Harry for the possible new mindless twit I will meet and he will be able to dazzle me.. if he's lucky for a day.
My stomach is full of bread and rice cakes.. cherries and orange capri sun.
Come read me, the doors are open for everyone.. but please don't pinch.. I'm really planning on writing a book one day. Then my mind gets all twirled up in conspiracies and things.
But the thing is.. he's crazy, I'm crazy. Right now the world is crazy and its time for me to meditate.
Saturday, Jul. 14, 2007
3:02 p.m.
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