
WriTing LiGht
a missa

Wait online for slow loading computer and today I�ve been gone for six months. I feel like writing now.. but about what. Where I�ve gotten kind of gooey in my words and down that they could all just be the same thing. I miss learning about words. And my gum is stale. ASk me questions about what year the States was founded and I�m blank. But they know. The whole world knows and I grew up in a bubble.
I�m going to mass tonight.. lets see if there is anything in it for me... I�m going to thank God. I never grew up with religion and I�m in a world where when people ask what I am and I say that I have nothing then I�m called.. ``well everyone to thewir own��. That�s cool with me., I grew up believing that their was a god. But he belonmged in my own box, in my own heart, and I made my own rules for what God was to me. I never called him God. And I always felt my Gods were Big Mama and Kato and Oshum and Chango. I�ve always wanted to learn more about those Gods.
I�m all tired and gluey. And its the 3rd, where you�re gone in a few days and I stil haven�t heard your voice in what seems forever.

I�m going to go and read, then do some writing, like cards and stuff. Then go to Mass. Yay.

Saturday, Feb. 03, 2007
5:01 p.m.
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