
WriTing LiGht
conspiracy days

I�ve gotten this sort of case of Writer�s Schizophrenia. Afraid to type out the words that gush from my mind.
Thoughts stuck on the heart and afraid of that betrayer who might scrape from me. Lose my words in a quick second, because they are made, cut in deep.

Where I lose myself to that tree in my head. Where I sit and feel the tight holds of history�s game and wondering if its true how it can repeat again.

To high collored men on their high horses and if aliens abducted tomorrow, how would we follow. Running or walking. And who would be the ones searching for a way to unlock the padlock keys that were once put on to restrain. And when did it happen anyway. When we forgot the words in our constitution and learned to run on the hard coal streets with the rest of the rat race game. Over night and we lost the feel on our neck when our hairs used to stand up straight. Like those children who can spot secrets form a mile a way.

Where I�m afraid to turn in any corner, and its not about conspiracy theory... but I never thought I would be this way.

Who�s going to take from me.

When the worst thing would be for someone to take what is mine... that I always had buried deep in me.

So I wonder what I shoud write, and I think about how I should write...
and if you were to cut open me. You would see this red buzzing world with us piled in clumps of thousands... where we just live our days.
Not realizing this whole other game that�s being played.

What kind of packaged robot would you like to be?

Then those who call out and its gotten to late. The fire has gotten thick and more people stay rather than leave. But we�ll feel it, that hot itching at our feet. And we�ll want to run, but where to when there are bars on all the gates.

When we are watched real quick on our mini screens, watched for movements and I want to learn how to lurk across the screen and not be seen. Hide and seek was always my favorite game.

Then somedays, we forget how to play, but I always had the spot that made every say ``olly olly oxen free!!!!�� It felt so good then to know that I could hide me.

Keep secrets up in my head, because the powers know how to lurk in. Practice playing with a poker face and I would rather be seen as young and cute than anything else.... young and cute to play my games and think of nothing else.

Its rich, how this comes on so thick. Like a rush and I�m left in a puddle of my thoughts. Paint the world with this, beacuase it�s been a while since we have seen color.

Where its even gotten hard to trust the voting system, the people we watch on tv... oh my god I can feel it I want to write!!
I need to write!!!
You�ll see... hmmmmm

Tuesday, Nov. 07, 2006
7:24 p.m.
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