
WriTing LiGht
dreamnight/sitting in love

The weekend started out fast with lovewanting and picking. The show was loud and the night was fateful. Us leaving and claiming RB as my spiritual advisor. The dreams have been thick and I started out with him on the swing and asking the question. He has the answers. He gives them to me slowly. Creating the canvas before painting the picture. I knew he was magic... or fit into the world everyone believed unreal.

The dream was about leaves and bowls and show me your colors. Telling and soon knowing.

-I had to use the restroom. I saw his sister... and I've never seen her in my life before. But she was there. and looked the same when I met her outside my dream later on.-

I found my face beside his. Looking up at the trees and finding a face in the branches that actually opened it's eyes and mouth to us.... "do you want to see what I see?"


The trees, always in groups of seven and I found myself in a park two nights in a row. Where the trees were grouped in 7 and good energy that was real, enlightening...

He asked me what I want to know. He had the answers to my dreams and somehow knew what things were before I said them... he knew my dreams.... who is this kid? RB that is.

Likemagic... or just real and he's where I want to be. Too fast I move through life... like the Babalau said. And apparently I still am moving and R made me see exactly what he meant.

I'm patient, not in this state though. I long for knowledge and experience.


My hand was snatched and I was out of control. Tell me what's there, and I see the faces too. watching , telling guiding.

And the hissing cats are a sign of protection. Guiding. I found my leader at least for now. My attraction in dreams and love has attracted me to him.

Him to me and our hearts are being held by others.

But our spirits are dancing together.

Next night I was there, looking through books, knowledge that he places in front of me. I open a book...

"The floaty place" and set me free, I've found something here.

He left me with two books and set me out on the beginning of a journey.



Yesterday was tired. I came home from a long devoted day. The rain was down and the rivers in the road were fast.

I found my boy and we went to a store with his dad and sister for pants.

Department stores are crazy and I played with him like wild.

Set free in merchandise and danced in the halls. Faces from turned up noses and I didn't care. Pulling him over, a smack on the lips and I loved him and it.

Each day it grows. The fire that paints my walls for him. He turns me into dance and butterflies hatch and swarm through my intestines. Like the way he kisses me. Sets me ablaze... and I could dream a future forever.

I dream of big beds and dancing in the kitchen. I can shout his name a thousand times and say "oh my fucking god!" Until the world turns orange.

You form my color. Caressing me with your musician's hands.

You are my love, in love, falling in love with you and is it true?

"Falling" you say, "sounds too much like getting hurt." "It's like sitting we're sitting in love."

Sunday, Sept. 05, 2004
7:44 p.m.
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