
WriTing LiGht
spare the names

Last night--- it was a dance of hearts and truth.

And although it had to be on his birthday... I can't help but think the words had to be said. The love had to be shared.

I told him to call off the suite. To not waste his money on something I'm not exactly sure about. We can do something else, I said.

I told him I was confused. My heart had stalled.

He reminded me that we were friends, and have been friends for the past 9 years. I paused... realizing. But also cocluding that the feelings I have for him are intense. They always have and always will be, intense.

I felt that love for him again hours later when he rested on my bed. I allowed myself to touch him... glide my hands over his body and small curves. I allowed myself to feel that moment and become crazy with that physical love once again. Letting him touch me and it was...

---Everyone was intoxicated

Old feelings rose again with the twins. You and I know what that means...

He smiled at me, saying I was beautiful... "You too."

Then I pulled away the best I could, knowing it couldn't end right.

His fire blew into flames and the cancerian crab tried to wet out his flaming pain.


I told gemini we'll have our time... not for a longlong time. We left with a hug.

Into the truck I went with the fire and we talked. Two hours it was. Talking about our differences, past, present and future. And in the end...


I just know I'll always have a special love for him. We'll always be friends.

And that is.

Thursday, Aug. 05, 2004
3:43 p.m.
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