
WriTing LiGht
blow a sigh

Engulfed by this pool of Portuglish.
Where my mind is spinning at 2000 miles and I have to bring it down to ten.
To pump out the good words from the good gulch of stumbling over Portuguese words and phrases.

Transport my soul into your body

And take it where the heart is.

If listening to the strumming of a cleansing guitar is the only thing that makes you fly. Let it heal. Take what is good and leave the rest.

What is good for you, what is good for us.

Touch bodies, and give attention. Touch your body, and give attention.
But none of it is the same as touching the soul.
With love trying to reach far across the sea, it is stretching the soul with it. Striving to find the matches, which once lit your soul fire.
Your spirit�s found them, but failed to report back because they have become soggy and cold.
There is a point of acceptance and action. And it is up to one�s soul to decide between the better of the two.

To yell across the sea and reclaim what is yours, as well as feel the matches dry with your stinging venom. Not to hurt. But to heal.

Excuse me, but its going to take a little bit more practice for me to reach out through words to hold your hand. But above, that�s my way, I�m sure you understand.
Like an explosion, I�ve been placed into this world. New everything. Like I�m being put through the ultimate foreign language test of a lifetime.
My new world is what I make of it.

It feels good to be conductor for once.
Its a time where branching out is what the world needs to do. Like mini bandages flowing out, protecting, covering, cleaning, the many cracks. Seeing other cultures, understanding differences, making peace.
Feels good.
So much I want to say.
About the world, environment, people. An exchange, is a strong step towards linking of cultures, people, races.
I dreamnt the other night.

Of powerful people banning together to form a group that seemed to glow with the strength it had when bonded.
There was a crises in the world. Hidden crises that could only be shown to the group as a whole.
We had our enemies. They wanted to destroy us, having fear of our intense power.

Now, all I need to do is cut open my soul and let the pool of thoughts stream out.
Yeah, that�s all...
muito dificil

Monday, Aug. 07, 2006
2:31 p.m.
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