
WriTing LiGht
breathe with me

Like crying for a love that's lost or slowly fading.
We're is it going?
The good feel vibes and laugh our ass off.
It comes and goes, goes and comes.
Like driving far and deep in the desert and I'm coming into land, "I want your love" "And I want it now".
No, it's not about losing love from masculinity but it's emptyness from one of my greatest lovers of all.

Like watching old home videos with our favorite song playing, I watch them and miss you more than anything.
Search for a desperate attempt to find time and I can't help but wonder as if you were my boyfriend, that you are purposely making me wait by the phone for your call.

Or like how I love a boyfriend, my heart skips, then waits just to see if that's you ringing in.

Talked about this many times before, like a boyfriend and girlfriend.

Up two steps, then down three.

Wherever you go I want to follow you. I don't want to be The sea shell formed to dust only to lose itself in the wind.

Excuse me if my words are extra stumbly, my voice extra scratchy, or my mind extra scetchy.

Fall over my steps and maybe I can see you today.

You know how it feels when you've cried all day and your cheeks seem to puff up around your eyes, that's me, without the tears.

And I don't expect anything.

I want to write letters and draw pictures, but I think I need your help, because I'm beginning to lose myself in the sea.
I can't even identify myself.

Look into my shy shaded shielded eyes in the camera and I like it best when I am me.

This is me. These words are me.

Meet me at worldwidewraps, or come into my room with the candals lit and the walls orange, and we'll just dance, lose ourselves in our feet.

Start from the beginning and that's what we were.

Cut off shortpants and pulled back hair, I sought you out like a potential lover and I can't lose you in this vast sea.

9:19 and maybe I can catch you for an hour.
Are you still tired, stuck under covers and only come out when your mask works for the day?

Behind aprons and bank teller counters. Books, and where will you be again?
Completely foreign land, with your lover in hand.

Maybe I'll find you there. I'll Sing a song with my words facing East.

Phone rings once then twice. Jump in my car and all I want to do is hug you.

Breathe with me

Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005
9:06 p.m.
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